New View

Sunday, December 27, 2015
Clear, Sane, Beautiful a Sober Holidays
It's been a very busy week! I finished Christmas shopping, wrapped the presents, bought our goods for hosting Christmas dinner. My sister came home for the holidays, which was great! We've either hosted or gone out somewhere for the past three days, and my mother-in-law is coming over tonight. It's the last of our holiday outings; we will spend the next week relaxing in our home.
Even though it's been busy, it's been lovely. I've felt relaxed, it's all gone smoothly. I tend to feel more grateful and aware of the superior loveliness of a life without booze on the holiday occasions, when there is so much of it around. I sometimes worry that I'm becoming an alcohol nazi, because it all looks like alcohol addiction to me. I look at people in my family drinking, and very few people would ever think they had a problem, just like no one thought that I had a problem. But it still looks gross to me. Red faces, loud voices, exaggerated emotions, slurring words, "I better have some water, thanks" before drinking another three glasses so wine. That's "normal" in my family.
I am so incredibly grateful to be "abnormal", feeling good, clear-headed. I can't imagine ever willingly doing that to myself again. I do still have thoughts like "it would nice to have a drink" or "maybe someday I'll have a glass of wine", but these thoughts are fleeting. I know that the idea that alcohol has any benefit is a societal delusion.
One very beautiful thing this year is that my husband is not drinking. He has gone on a medication which is toxic to the liver, his doctor told him that he couldn't even have a glass of wine at Thanksgiving unless he did not mind ending up on a liver transplant list. He has had a few drinks on at least one, and I suspect two or three, occasions. But he has been almost entirely sober since early November, and it's rocked, at least for me. We are getting along incredibly well. He has appeared, and he's said, that this has been among his favorite Christmases ever, we've had a great time! He has another 7 months to go on the medication. I don't know what will happen once he's done the medication, but I am just going to enjoy it for now.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
The Paradox of Alcohol
"No, stopping drinking has actually been my favorite part! Everything has come from that decision, it's like running and everything else feels great now."
"It's just a big thing to do though- not drinking!"
"No, it's not that big a deal really. Once it's down it just fades into the background. Hey, Mom and I were talking about going kayaking tomorrow- do you want to come?" I switched the subject and we moved on to something else.
It is such a funny thing, this drinking and not drinking. It was and it wasn't hard to stop. The actual not picking up a drinking is so easy, so simple.
The trick is in the mindset. It's tricky to change one's focus from drinking to, well, just about anything else. It takes work and acceptance. I will be forever grateful to authors Allen Carr and Jason Vale, because it was their work that showed me that there was nothing to gain from drinking. Both have the readers continue to drink while the book is being read, so that you can test their theories for yourself. It sounds incredible to anyone who drinks but truly, there is just zero benefit to drinking.
Now, when I am with people who are drinking, I can see people who are basically "normies", who have one, maybe two beers over hours, and I can see that they are not getting anything really out of the drink. They aren't getting buzzed. They are doing it to be "sociable" and might as well had a soda. And I can see the rest of the people drinking being affected by the alcohol, and it no longer looks fun or enjoyable to me. And certainly it is no fun to be trying to control the drinking, and this is so clear to see, at least with the women. I see them trying to drink water between wines to manage to not get too drunk but still be able to drink; trying to wait for enough time to pass between drinks so they can get buzzed but not too buzzed; knowing they "should" stop but not wanting to, eyeing the bottle. I did all of that, except I was going to drink more once they left or I got home. I don't know if any of the women in my group do that, probably not. I can say though, it is much less work to drink only tea or other non-alcoholic drinks!
One of the real eye-openers while I was on vacation was just how much LESS I think about drinking now. And that includes going to one recovery meeting/week, plus reading blogs, listening to sober pod casts, etc. I thought that I still had a pretty big focus on alcohol...until I was in a house full of drinkers. Of the people there, I would guess that one or two have "alcohol problems", everyone else are just fairly heavy drinkers. People were talking about drinking or actually drinking the entire day long. They were talking about going to the beach, and having wine later. Going kayaking and being so ready for that well-earned martini afterwards. Going fishing and could they they bring beer. Etc.
Outside of vacation, I often wonder if I would be thinking even less about alcohol if my husband didn't drink.
Because it has been true for me: as time has gone on, I think about drinking less and less. It's been nearly a full 10 months, and I spend the vast majority of my time focused on living life, enjoying my son, prepping for the next challenge, the next task. I don't think about drinking when something good or bad happens, or when I've got something to celebrate. One day I hope I think about it only very rarely, maybe at holidays because I'll be back around family. One day...
It's funny to me that something so little has the power to have such a huge effect on individuals, family, and society. I look forward to the day when alcohol is just nothing to me, because it is basically gone from my life. I read or watch Jason Vale's latest work on juicing and fitness, and it sure looks like alcohol is but a passing thought to him. There is no alcohol in his juicing resorts. I doubt he has many drinkers around him at all. He self-identifies as a "non-drinker". I like that and will have a post up soon about it.
For now though, I am pondering that paradox, how something so small- just a drink!!!- could be so powerfully embedded into our culture. We have a very powerful delusion going on, a fixed false belief that alcohol makes everything better. It is among the most successful advertising in the world. Alcohol does not make anything better, and that is the truth. It's just a neuron-killing high, it makes you think you feel better as it takes away your money, your health, your brain cells, your liver cells, your time, your memory. No thanks. I'll stick with tea!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Calmer Skies Today
She made a smarter decision than I have re meetings. She went to more meetings, and she built up a good support group early on, once she hit her last Day One. It has been suggested to me that I need to go to more meetings to stay sober. My issue has been, I have only very rarely been tempted to drink. Even my beer bottle "stare-downs" and "Better be sure of this because you're about to destroy your family" moments are not really about me drinking, they have been about me trying to avoid disrupting my family. I have been fortunate (knock wood, anti-jinx) to not have much of a desire to drink. So I haven't worried too much about hitting up meetings to counter-act the desire for a drink.
But I really, truly need to go to more meetings, meet more people, be in the company of people who live happily and freely without alcohol. I haven't wanted to disrupt my husband and son's lives more and I've been loath to reply on my husband; but I am looking seriously at divorce, that is a major disruption, so might as well start small now, eh? And maybe hopefully avoid the divorce thing.
This was a much calmer day. My husband and I spent most of it together, running post-vacation errands while my mom watched our son. It was peaceful and actually quite lovely. We ended up holding hands and will be watching a movie together tonight. If he opts to stay sober it might end up being a fabulous day. These are the days I wish we could have every day.
I think I need to find an additional prayer. When I was on vacation, "Bless them, heal me please" was my mantra. It was very helpful. But maybe re my husband, maybe I need to double-down on the Serenity Prayer-- accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, wisdom to know the difference. Really, maybe wisdom, acceptance, serenity is all that is needed.
I just don't know. I want to be serene and reach indifference on whether or not the husband is drinking. I just don't know if it is possible or even a smart goal. His drinking doesn't affect my drinking; it is a tolerance issue on my end. I don't want to invest my time, my heart, my future, into a partner who uses alcohol regularly. I know it's not fair to him, and for sure it isn't fair to my son.
Well, it's been suggested to me that when I don't know what to do, to do nothing. It goes against my nature to not make a plan of action, to not make contingencies. Well, I have them in my head already anyway. But it was a lovely day today, I will just enjoy it.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Stranger in a Strange Land
This was our 3rd annual vacation together. The last two times, I was watching and trying to moderate my drinking. I was successful last year because I was sick; the year before I was much less successful. This year, I wasn't drinking at all, happily. I and my 4 year old son were the only ones not drinking.
I truly felt like a stranger in a strange land. I was there, with people who I know and love, in the same house, the same beach, the same vacation environment. Yet I was just completely separate from them. They were focused on drinking. Not everyone was a drunk idiot....but most of them were. My husband woke me up at 3 AM one night because he and his sister and my aunt were getting into a drunk heated argument. I told him to come to bed but he didn't, he went back out to argue longer. I went back to sleep.
It was enlightening for me to see how much alcohol and drinking mattered to this group. That first glass of wine, beer, drink was the Ultimate Experience, What They Looked Forward To Most each day (several times/day), every day. It mattered that much to me, too, only 10 months ago. I know how it felt from the inside- it looks even worse from the outside. I had no idea how bad it looked until now.
I had a nice time being out on the beach. I got in a few good runs. My mom and my MIL and I went out kayaking, which was cool. We all went out on a big fishing boat with my little one. I spent as much time on my own as I could, reading on the beach, knitting by the pool. My husband mostly hung out with my SIL and her fella, out fishing.
My son had a blast. He loved being with his grandparents. He loved the ocean. He loved having everyone together.
For me though...this experience just infused me with more knowledge that my current marital/family situation will not stand much longer. There is no way I am going to go on another one of these family vacations. I'm not sure what I will say or do to explain it, but I have time to figure that out.
It could very well be moot anyway. I have contingency plans for separation from the husband. My program suggests that no major changes be made for the first year of sobriety, any my first year will be over on Dec 2nd. My son is what really stops me- my husband has made an attempt and has cut down on his drinking. It just isn't enough for me personally. Getting drunk weekly is not really significantly better than getting drunk most days of the week. I mean, sure, it's "better", but I am not willing to live with either one. He is not interested in quitting. In an ideal world, he would want to quit. In an ideal world, we would stay together. I still love him very much. He is a great dad, a good guy, when he isn't drinking, and most of the time he is still decent even when he is drinking. He is not mean or violent....just annoying as all get out, and on rare occasion he does something risky. I just have no tolerance for frequent drinking any more.
But then- my son. He will be 5 years old next month. Am I really going to blow up his world, blow up his family, over drinking? Most of the world (at least my world) drinks like his dad and his family, my family. I am going to blow up everything because I don't like "normal"?
I still lack strong sober support. I have my ladies at my weekly meeting but what I really need to do is build up a sober life. When I leave (if I leave?) I want to have a good strong life to step into. I want to have friends to hang with, people who would want to vacation, so that I have a full life and also so that I have a new Normal to share with my son. I don't have that now and I think it will take much longer than 2 months for me to build it. I can only build it if I put my time and energy and focus there, and not on my husband and son. So far I've gone to one meeting/week, not wanting to entirely neglect my husband and son. Moving forward, I need to put more focus on meetings/hanging with sober people. This is just one more step away from the husband and towards an alcohol-free future.
The biggest single threat to my own sobriety has been the thought: "If I have a glass of wine and just give in, then all of this family struggle goes away. I will go back to being one of them, and I don't have to destroy my family." I have had that thought a few times recently- looking at a bottle of beer and thinking, "I better be DAMNED sure that I am never going back to drinking, because I am going to blow up everything for my son over it."
But of course, that first thought is a lie. Things do not get better if I start drinking again. Life only gets worse, life is a hundred thousand times better sober than drinking. As for the second thought: I do not ever want to go back. I don't know what the future holds but I know that a future without drinking is going to be a much better future.
I want to figure it all out tonight, but alas, it isn't going to happen. I have a mental plan to go see a lawyer just to find out preliminary information on separation and divorce in my state. If we were to divorce, what is the likely arrangement? Child support? Custody? I continue to pay down bills to finish off our last bit of debt, then I can put my paycheck into my own banking account in good conscience. I believe if I leave, I can find a place where I can swing rent and child care, which would free up the husband to take care of the mortgage (I am not staying and trying to maintain our house on my own.) I have the map in my head. It's just a matter of making the move. December 2nd...nothing until then. And maybe not even then, but likely it will be soon thereafter....
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Sobriety: Feeling Limitless
Friday, June 19, 2015
200 Days!
Tomorrow will be the 200th day into my new sober life. I can say without hesitation that it is better in every way. There is no question of "giving up the benefits/buzz". I see zero benefit in an alcoholic buzz anymore. I don't miss alcohol- what is there to miss?
I am way too busy enjoying the much more intense loveliness of life. I physically feel incredible. Even now, sitting here typing with a sick son and low-grade fever, I feel actually pretty good. It is as if my body has come alive and is bursting with health. I started to lose weight about a month ago and am down 10 lbs. I've been running a few miles twice each week, walking (I have a Fitbit and love it), swimming. I have all this energy! I got a juicer. I got a tremendous, career-changing promotion last week.
Don't get me wrong- it is still life, and there are still challenges. But now- I have more energy to deal with them. My baseline is not anxiety, shame, exhaustion anymore. I have a lot of emotions and at times feel cranky, irritable, but also happy, blissful, calm. I have not felt anything approaching the gut-deep shame, wrenching anxiety that I used to feel at least 1-2 mornings each week, popping ibuprofen, chugging coffee and gatorade.
Life drinking was black-and-white Kansas, and life now is In-Color Oz.
I have been around a lot of alcohol lately. I went to Belgium for work with colleagues, nearly all of whom took advantage of the French wines and Belgian Beers. It's summer so there are get-togethers often, we will host one on Sunday, with wine and beer. I've been to an award gala as well as holiday picnics. I found out another truth that I never believed before: these events really are more fun if I'm not drinking. I think it's because I overall feel better, and also because I am not constantly on edge, trying to control my drinking, trying to ensure that I don't look like a drunk. Now I can just relax and enjoy things. I feel fun more intensely now, too. It's fabulous!
I've been to two restaurants lately and sat at the bar because there were no tables. Once when meeting a colleague for dinner and another on date night. I have no desire to do the bar thing again, next time it happens I will opt to go to another restaurant. I was not tempted, but people at bars are there to get trashed and it was really annoying.
One area that I've always been worried about was my relationship with my husband. I still really don't know where we are going to end up. We had a huge blow-up in April, when he was drunk and was playing with our son...and he put our son in a very dangerous situation. Even drunk, he realized what he did was stupid. I let him know after that episode that things were going to change: he was going to keep his drunk shit away from our son, or I was going to leave and do everything I legally could to keep our son safe. We are fortunate that our son wasn't hurt or even killed. Husband stopped drinking in the house after that for about 6 weeks. It was a very nice reprieve and we got a lot closer emotionally.
Recently though, he has picked back up again. He is back to being miserable to be around in the evenings and passing out on the couch. Yawn.
I still am not making any big moves about it overtly. We are paying down debt and making previously-planned improvements to the house, which will help if we do end up separating down the road. Hopefully though we will be able to stay off that path. I hope that he is seeing his own issues and takes charge of them. I know I went through several attempts at moderating before accepting that I really just needed to stop. I hope he comes to the same conclusion. We have a wonderful family and have built a very nice life together.
I am now in Belle's 356 challenge and got one of her "Fuck You, Wolfie!" bracelets. Love it.
That's it, my big update. I hope you're enjoying a lovely sober life as well, if that is your goal! And it is a worth goal, my friend!
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Post-Easter musings
I remain happily, gratefully sober.
I've read several blogs where the author begins to feel differently around Day 120, and that's where I am right now. I am starting to descend from the Pink Cloud.
Mostly what is going on right now is that I am much more clearly feeling my emotions. I used to restrict myself from going onto Facebook or forums after one glass of wine, because I didn't want to get over-emotional. Now, I am actually over-emotional while sober! But I just deal with it, it's all good. Sober, I am not ashamed of an effusive post or comment- I used to emotionally twist in shame the following morning when drinking. Now, it might be overdone but even so, I actually mean it.
Sometimes though it takes a while for my ability to identify feelings. For instance, it is Tuesday and I just realized today that I was feeling lonely on Sunday, which was Easter. I was at my mom's house, with my cousins and their kids, an aunt/uncle, my mom, and my husband and son. My cousins weren't drinking but all the other adults were.
I don't missing drinking at all, thankfully. I passed the wine, poured guests their wine, smelled it- and my reaction was the thought: I am free from this shit, thank you GOD!!!!!!!!!
I watched one adult (who generally doesn't care how trashed she gets) go all out for the holiday. I watched my mom and husband carefully try to control their drinking. I was have a lot of experience doing both in the past and didn't miss either one.
But I did feel lonely. My cousins just don't drink much, they are 'normies.' The rest of my family drinks a lot. Like me, none of them have run into problems drinking, no DUIs, broken relationships, lost jobs, etc. I am trying to avoid observing or judging them but it is impossible. It is literally right in front of my face. I can't help but see them trying to slow down, talk about "Oh, I'll have a little more, even though I shouldn't- tomorrow is a work day", then later sneak several additional small amounts in the glass- basically, do all the things that I've done for years.
I had no desire to join in- in fact, seeing it all just reinforces for me how awesome it is to be off that hook. But I did feel as though I was in my own tree, so to speak.
I have been going to a women's AA meeting; I need to hang with those awesome ladies more often. It helps to talk this stuff through with people who are in the same tree, who have also experienced and successfully transitioned to a sober life.
It is such an odd thing- this place. My day-to-day life hasn't changed much. I still get up, get my son ready for school, go to work, make dinner, try to clean in the evening and play with my son, get him into bath and bed, spend some time with husband, then get to bed myself. It's the same.
But emotionally/mentally the landscape has totally changed. I am feeling all sorts of goals sort of well up, spring up, from inside. I want to get healthier, run more races, hang out with sober friends. I am in the process of building a new life. I feel like I am separating from my family. Hopefully it is just an overblown fear.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Valentines Day challenges
It's been quite a while since my last post! Things have been moving on. I am still alcohol-free and extremely grateful for it. The longer I get out from the last drink, the more precious my young sobriety has become to me.
I found out that a women's AA group meets weekly near my home, and have been going. It's a small group of kick-ass women, all of whom have years of sobriety. I walked in and the person with the next lowest sober number was 2 years! She was chairing the meeting. They welcomed me with open arms and have been a great support.
I have the Big Book, Allen Carr's book, and Jason Vale's book on my phone, so I can pull up any of them at any moment if needed. I don't use the Big Book often so far but the Carr and Vale text are read frequently in times of temptation, of which yesterday was the biggest to date.
Oh Valentine's Day. I don't know what it was about yesterday, but I was thinking of opening a bottle of wine and having a lovely night with my husband. I thought about how nice it would be to have a night with just the two of us, talking, dancing, like the "good old days"- I could see it so clearly in my mind.
Yesterday was HARD. I sent some texts to two women in the AA group and they helped talk me down. One of them said "If you think of a good enough reason to drink today, all me first, we'll see if there are other options."
My husband had asked me to get babysitting and told me he took care of the rest. This was really unusual but very nice! It turns out, he got us tickets to a Murder-Mystery dinner. We've never done anything like that- it was fun! The show was about the Cheers bar, so that was interesting. It was very entertaining- much more than I'd expected.
And, it ran later than expected. So by the time we got home, I'd worked out what would have happened if I'd opened a bottle of wine. Truth:
The reality is: there is no need to get drunk in order to have a lovely time together. It was hard to that yesterday. I am so glad I got past yesterday. I feel like I ducked a bullet.
Today I started Belle's 100 day challenge! I am getting closer to 100 days already but my plan is to just keep on going.
And so: onwards. Today is day 75!
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Feeling great!
Hello all out in Blog Land! I've been super busy....lots going on. I've been planning and plotting a surprise birthday party for my mom that was supposed to take place yesterday- Mother Nature had other plans. She felt like it was time for some snow. She won that round.
Per I have been sober now for 53 days! I've had some periods of temptation but two thoughts have pulled me through:
Primary thought: I don't really want a drink, I just want to feel different. I've read this on several blogs, I think it might have originated in the Bubble Hour? Or maybe that is just where I first heard it, I don't know.
But this I do know: it is really true. As soon I figured out what feeling I wanted to change, the desire for a drink disappeared.
Secondary thought: Alcohol is a poison. People who drink moderately might not drink enough to get sick from it, but that doesn't change the alcohol itself. People survive small doses of toxins, sure. But ultimately? It feels a hell of a lot better once you stop administering poison to yourself on a frequent basis.
Here is how those two items have played out recently.
Even though the party was canceled, a small group of people came to my house yesterday and surprised my mom. She was totally shocked and very happy. A few bottles of wine were consumed with great cheer- not by me, though. And it's true- there were a few very stressful moments were I did think, I could use a drink! But then I realized I was just stressed and poof, I was fine again.
My mom and I drove my sister to the train station this morning, and on the way back Mom told me that I really looked much better since I stopped drinking. She said she never noticed it before but now "You have a glow to you." I thanked her, and hearing that made me very happy.
I do feel so much better- I can't even really describe it. I haven't lost a lot of weight, only a few pounds. My life isn't somehow magic and sparkly. There are a handful of things that I thought would change that haven't. I still procrastinate horribly. I am still disorganized and forgetful. I still have to watch my temper with my son- maybe even moreso and I thought for SURE that would change for the better.
But inside- I feel wonderful! I really do feel like I was poisoning myself, literally poisoning myself. I always thought people exaggerated, that alcohol poisoning was what happened when someone took way too much...and that you can take way too much of anything and also end up at the ER. I never seriously considered it as inherently bad for you.
I now believe it is inherently bad for you. Maybe in small doses it's not harmful, but why would you try it? It feels so, so, so much better being sober.
One of the things that gave me a hard push towards sobriety last year was an interview I read in Time Magazine with Hip Hop god Russell Simmons. He said he stopped drinking because it felt better to meditate in the mornings than to drink at night. He talks about here as well:
Before then, I never really considered that it might feel better to be sober. I was starting to get tired of feeling like crap after drinking, but I never thought that being sober straight up felt better than being drunk. That in a head-to-head comparison, being sober would be more enjoyable than being drunk.
I used to love how I felt being drunk. I used to joke that drinking and NOT getting drunk was alcohol abuse, because you weren't using it to do what it was made to do. Enjoying the drunk feeling was the whole POINT of drinking.
It is shocking to me to find out that actually, I feel miles better sober than I ever felt drunk. I feel better in the mornings- yes, of course. That's a no-brainer: no headaches, no dry mouth, no hangover.
But I also feel so much better at night. My body feels wonderful, healthy, a thousand times better than I did while drunk, even happy drunk. I love snuggling into bed sober, feeling great, looking forward to a terrific night's sleep, looking forward to another beautiful day in the morning.
And- toasting my guests yesterday with my lovely sober drinks yesterday, I am certain that I had just as much fun as the moderates/normies and WAY more fun than the ones who drink like I used to. I didn't have to pace. I didn't need to dutifully drink glasses of water between glasses of my AF specials. I wasn't worried about slurring my speech. I wasn't on high alert, being careful to control myself.
I don't ever want to go back there. In my brief moments of high stress, when I thought "I'd love a wine!!" I realized No. Really truly, No. I want to be less stressed over the snow situation- I was stressed that our snow blower broke and was worried that people would show up before we had cleared out parking spaces. I didn't want those freaking wild turkeys (the real birds) to jump on our guests's cars like they were doing, I didn't want to feel the anxiety that someone would get hurt or their cars will get scratched. That's all. Just stess over basic life. Drinking has nothing to do with it. Wine wouldn't improve any of it and I'd feel terrible afterwards. No way.
I love my sober life. It is becoming precious to me.
In other news- I read "Dry" by Augusten Burroughs and adored it. I related so much to the euphoric feeling of belong that he describes in his first AA meeting- I felt that way when my then-fiance's parents took me to my first Naranon meeting. And then he hated AA. And then he loved it again.
Based on that book I made sure I got to one meeting last week, on Monday when I was off work. I got some phone numbers and two emails. I found out that there is a women's meeting in my area on Tuesdays. I was hoping to go this week and maybe I will, if we are dug out by then (we are supposed to get a few feet of snow between now and Tuesday morning.)
I have more ramblings but it can wait until tomorrow. Be well!
Saturday, January 17, 2015
(Temporarily) Thwarted
Well, I tried to go to my first AA meeting (as a participant, anyway) today. It is an unexpected Date Night tonight (my mother-in-law asked if she could take our son to her house for a movie/overnight/pancake breakfast event.) This will be my first sober date night, other than when I was pregnant, in possibly my entire marriage. For the last eight years' worth of Date Nights, I wasn't necessarily raging drunk, but certainly we'd have drinks somewhere early on and definitely upon arriving home.
So I found myself thrown a bit. I've been really nervous all day. I feel very tempted to drink and we haven't even started yet. I won't drink, but I was hoping to catch a meeting, talk to some sober people...I knew it was time to make an attempt to get some outside support.
So I looked up meetings online and found one in a nearby hospital. I grabbed my son, his Kindle and headphones (so he could watch a movie during the meeting) and off we went. Unfortunately, no one in the hospital knew anything about a meeting or where it might be held. The lady at the information desk said that the hospital used to host them, but that was a while ago and as far as she knew, they were no longer held there. She sent me to where they used to be held...the room was dark and no one was around.
So. Boo. I dropped off the boy on the way home, and hopped onto my laptop. Found a different website with more meetings...but none available today when I could get there. Will simply try again later.
One good thing: my husband finished up his yard work late, so we basically have just enough time to catch a movie. No worries about going out to dinner/drinking then. I am confident that I can come home and do my usual tea routine.
I got the book "Dry" by Augusten Burroughs out of the library and it is AWESOME. It is a big reason why I actively sought a meeting finally today. Part of me would love to just stay home with a big pot of chai and finish the book...but I can wait for a kid-free morning tomorrow. It will be good waking up clear-headed and feeling great, and snuggling in for a good read.
Sober life is really GOOD!!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Six Weeks
My darling husband today asked me, "Hey- have you had a drink since Christmas?"
I smiled and said, "I haven't had a drink since before Christmas. It's been six weeks today, actually!"
Six weeks! Rockin'!
So what's going on at 6 weeks? My inner conversation continues.
"You really don't have a problem. This is not a big deal. One beer would be delightful."
"It's not like you're an alcoholic! This experiment proves it! No problem here. Just a little wine, you're having company over tomorrow- you can have a glass then if you want."
I am usually able to dismiss these thoughts pretty easily. I'm just trying to sit and watch them come and go. It's just noise.
What's harder is that I thought more things would change. I thought:
- I'd lose weight
- I'd remember more
- I'd do fewer stupid things (like forgetting to turn on the dryer after loading it)
- I'd lose more weight
- I'd be doing so many things differently, like going out more often
Monday, January 12, 2015
Monday Monday
I am coming up on 6 weeks. In some ways, I feel like I am in a "new normal". I very rarely get a "Wine o'clock" urge. I love looking forward to my teas and other lovely beverages, none of which are inebriating. I am enjoying my nights, playing with my son, reading again- novels, non-fiction books, and blogs- knitting up a storm, watching Outlander on demand when the boy and husband are asleep.
On the other hand- sometimes there are quiet moments with almost unconscious urges to grab a beer or open the wine. It's odd, like hardly even a thought, more like a habit. Like how you might be driving home, thinking about an issue, and even though you get home safely you hardly remember how.
I have 20-some years of drinking habits, so I guess it's not too surprising that sometimes I reach for the bottle without thinking. The main thing is- I always realize it before I touch anything.
It's odd- I really don't want to drink alcohol. I don't want to get buzzed or drunk. I watch my husband drink each night- he had a medical procedure done (nothing serious) and has been out of work for the last week. He is drinking more than usual since he doesn't have work. It looks boring as fuck to be honest. He's slurring, cranky, tired, unfocused. Falling asleep very early on the couch. There's nothing appealing about it.
And yet- my brain is working, questioning.
"If you can stop this easily, how can you think you have a problem?"
"It's not like anything went bad for you while you were drinking. No one even notices the change."
"Seriously, a wine tonight won't hurt anything."
Bah. The fact is- I can't feel as good as I feel now if I drink, even a little bit of alcohol. I know this and repeat it often. The fact is- alcohol is a poison. It really does nothing. These are my truths and mantras.
It's funny how entrenched drinking is. Jason Vale says it is the only drug that you have to defend against not taking. He says "I am a non-drinker. I am a non-heroin addict, too, but you wouldn't hold that against me."
I haven't run into any situations where people have asked me if I'd like a drink since the New Year, but even so, I found it interesting. Anytime I said "No thanks!" they wanted to know a reason why. there is a belief that alcohol is so amazing, the only reason you'd abstain is if you had a problem with it. Can't possibly be that alcohol just sucks, really. I know a few people who always disliked drinking. I always thought they were weird, but now I think they were onto something.
My brain tries to convince me that There Is No Problem, so go ahead and have a drink! I don't want to drink alcohol, problem or no problem. I had a "Near Beer" (O'Douls) while watching football this weekend. It was great! It actually tasted OK but didn't get me messed up. I had two, one each half of the game, and it was fine. I don't know if I could handle AF wine without being a trigger but the Near Beer was perfect for the game.
Anyway, glad to be at Day 40. Onward!
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Saturday Night, Ready to Rumble....
"You don't really have an issue. What's one or two beers every 30 days or so? Totally acceptable! TOTALLY acceptable, in fact you might even call it NORMAL. Come on....what's the worst that can happen? You have three? You can sleep in tomorrow. This is your chance to see that you are actually a normal drinker. Don't miss out!"
Yeah? And FUCK YOU.
Luckily, there is an easily identifiable, clear, shiny, bright trigger, and I feel stupid about it. It is, of all things, FOOTBALL.
But not just *any* football- Playoff football.
And not even just Playoff Football. It is Steelers Playoff Football.
I have been a Steelers fan for twenty years. If there is ever an association in my mind, it is Steelers/football and beer. If I had any near-beer in the house, I'd be throwing 'em back right about now. In fact, if they they win tonight I will likely get some near-beer for next weekend. Maybe, we'll see.
But for today, we are not done yet. It is the Penultimate Playoff Game for any good Steeler fan: the Beloved Steelers vs the Hated Ravens. Talk about a rivalry! My heartbeat has been elevated all day. I lived in Pittsburgh for years in the 90s and in Baltimore in the 00's- it is stupid but I take these games way too seriously! I am more stressed about this Wildcard Playoff game then I'd be if this was the Superbowl. For real.
The only good thing about this being the Ravens- like effing hell am I breaking my streak for the freaking RAVENS. Nope. Not gonna happen.
I have more to blog about- I especially wanted to clarify about my post yesterday and my guy. I put that he is a buzzed drinker and I want to clarify that really that is the case. He very rarely appears more than mildly buzzed. One of the things I really hate about myself right now is that I am watching others' drinking and really want to NOT be judgmental. Right now, hubby is playing with our son. I am the only football lover in the house, so he's keeping our little one occupied. Love him!
Anyway, the game is back on so I'm off the blog.GO STEELERS! (And stay sober, my friends!)
UPDATE: My Steelers lost. If I'd given in, I would be sad that not only did my Steelers lose, but I would have lost my mojo. I'd wake up tired, regretful, hungover. Even if the Steelers had won and I'd given in and had beer (then I am sure more...) I'd still have lost. There is NOTHING to be gained and alcohol could not have made this night any better- only worse.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Thirty and Up
Well, here we are! I am delighted and frankly relieved to be in the New Year and on this side of the Holiday season. I made it through several parties- two of them at my house- and a general festive season in which lots and lots of drinking occurred since I have been legal to drink. That likely makes this the first non-drinking Christmas I've had in 21 years.
I am feeling a thousand times better today. Yesterday my husband and son and I had a very quiet and relaxing day, just lounging around the house, watching TV, I did some knitting (have been knitting for many years). It was lovely just relaxing. I was feeling a little better about me and my husband, too. He had brought our son home on NYE/early NY morning after the ball dropped. Fireworks woke me up at midnight, so husband and I hung out a little, had a fabulous long hug and NYE kiss.
I remain ever-nervous that either my husband will become bored as hell with me, since for 8 years we've been drinking buddies and he is a daily "get well-buzzed" drinker, or I will become bored and/or annoyed with him. There is also the fact that there is alcohol in the house and being drunk in front of me. For this reason, I try to keep a constant prayer of gratitude that I have no desire to drink, and I keep Allen Carr's book on my phone so I can get reminders that alcohol is a poison and certainly for me, should be labelled Devastation. Carr's logic works for me- alcohol really does nothing for you. I look at my husband- currently asleep on the sofa- and I see truly that I am much happier and more comfortable drink-free. I know that he and I are on a holding pattern and that something will change, but I wanted to get at least 30 days in before trying to address it with him. And really I am going to shoot for 60, before starting up a conversation. He might start it first...but with 60 days, both of us will have some time experiencing this change, without the craziness of the holidays. Something might happen to start it earlier, but for now my plan is to tackle it in another 30 days.
Happy Jan 2, all!