Hello, my sober lovelies!!
It's been quite a while since my last post! Things have been moving on. I am still alcohol-free and extremely grateful for it. The longer I get out from the last drink, the more precious my young sobriety has become to me.
I found out that a women's AA group meets weekly near my home, and have been going. It's a small group of kick-ass women, all of whom have years of sobriety. I walked in and the person with the next lowest sober number was 2 years! She was chairing the meeting. They welcomed me with open arms and have been a great support.
I have the Big Book, Allen Carr's book, and Jason Vale's book on my phone, so I can pull up any of them at any moment if needed. I don't use the Big Book often so far but the Carr and Vale text are read frequently in times of temptation, of which yesterday was the biggest to date.
Oh Valentine's Day. I don't know what it was about yesterday, but I was thinking of opening a bottle of wine and having a lovely night with my husband. I thought about how nice it would be to have a night with just the two of us, talking, dancing, like the "good old days"- I could see it so clearly in my mind.
Yesterday was HARD. I sent some texts to two women in the AA group and they helped talk me down. One of them said "If you think of a good enough reason to drink today, all me first, we'll see if there are other options."
My husband had asked me to get babysitting and told me he took care of the rest. This was really unusual but very nice! It turns out, he got us tickets to a Murder-Mystery dinner. We've never done anything like that- it was fun! The show was about the Cheers bar, so that was interesting. It was very entertaining- much more than I'd expected.
And, it ran later than expected. So by the time we got home, I'd worked out what would have happened if I'd opened a bottle of wine. Truth:
The reality is: there is no need to get drunk in order to have a lovely time together. It was hard to that yesterday. I am so glad I got past yesterday. I feel like I ducked a bullet.
Today I started Belle's 100 day challenge! I am getting closer to 100 days already but my plan is to just keep on going.
And so: onwards. Today is day 75!